How To Prepare Group Consolidated Accounts: A Comprehensive Guide

By Team bluQube

When multiple entities operate under a common parent company, their financial data is consolidated to provide a holistic view of the group's financial health.


What are Group Consolidated Accounts?

Group consolidated accounts amalgamate the individual financial statements of subsidiaries, associates, and the parent company, presenting a consolidated financial picture.


Which Organisations Need to Prepare Consolidated Accounts?

Consolidated accounts are crucial for entities with subsidiaries or significant influence over other entities. Publicly traded companies, holding companies, and entities with a substantial economic interest in other businesses typically need to prepare group consolidated accounts.


7 Steps: Preparing Consolidated Financial Statements

Understand the Purpose and Scope

Begin by clearly defining the purpose and scope of the consolidation. Identify the subsidiaries, associates, and joint ventures that should be included. Understand the regulatory requirements and accounting standards governing the consolidation process.


Identify Reporting Entities

Determine the reporting entities within the group. This involves identifying subsidiaries and understanding the level of control or influence exerted over each entity. Subsidiaries with more than 50% ownership are typically fully consolidated, while those with significant influence may require equity accounting.


Gather Financial Information

Collect the financial statements of each reporting entity. Ensure consistency in accounting policies and reporting dates. Adjust any discrepancies to facilitate a seamless consolidation process.


Eliminate Intra-Group Transactions

Exclude transactions between group entities to prevent double counting. Eliminate intra-group revenues, expenses, assets, and liabilities. This step ensures that the consolidated accounts accurately reflect external transactions and the group's economic reality.


Adjust for Unrealised Gains or Losses

Address any unrealised gains or losses resulting from transactions between group entities. Adjustments may be necessary to reflect the true economic impact of these transactions on the group's financial position.


Combine Financial Statements

Combine the individual financial statements of reporting entities to create a consolidated set of financial statements. This involves adding together assets, liabilities, equity, revenues, and expenses. Ensure accurate translation of foreign currency financial statements if applicable.


Disclose Relevant Information

Provide comprehensive disclosure notes in the consolidated financial statements. Disclose the basis of consolidation, accounting policies, and any significant assumptions or estimates. Transparent disclosure enhances the understanding of the group's financial position.


Importance of Accurate Consolidated Financial Statements

Accurate group consolidated accounts offer a holistic view of the financial health and performance of the entire group. Stakeholders, including investors, creditors, and regulatory bodies, rely on these statements to make informed decisions about the group's stability and potential.



Certain thresholds determine whether an entity is required to prepare consolidated financial statements. Understanding these thresholds is crucial for compliance. Generally, entities with significant control over other entities or with substantial economic interests are subject to consolidation requirements.



In some cases, exemptions may apply. Small subsidiaries, entities with a temporary nature, or those operating in specific industries may be exempt from consolidation requirements. However, it is essential to carefully evaluate and comply with relevant accounting standards and regulations.


Key Requirements

Adhering to key requirements, such as the use of uniform accounting policies and proper elimination of intra-group transactions, ensures the accuracy and reliability of consolidated financial statements. Compliance with international accounting standards, such as IFRS 10 and ASC 810, is crucial for consistency and comparability.


Recap of the Fundamentals

A quick recap of fundamental principles, such as understanding the purpose, identifying reporting entities, gathering financial information, eliminating intra-group transactions, adjusting for unrealised gains or losses, combining financial statements, and disclosing relevant information, helps maintain a structured consolidation process.



Consideration of goodwill is paramount during the consolidation process. Goodwill arises when the acquisition cost exceeds the fair value of identifiable net assets. Proper recognition, measurement, and periodic impairment testing of goodwill contribute to the accuracy of consolidated financial statements.


Things to Consider During Group Accounts Consolidation

Several factors require careful consideration during group accounts consolidation, including changes in ownership interests, changes in subsidiaries or associates, and the impact of new accounting standards. Proactive management of these factors ensures ongoing compliance and accuracy.


What Business Intelligence Does Your Group Need?

Group consolidated accounts serve as a valuable source of business intelligence. Beyond compliance, leverage these statements for strategic decision-making. Analyse trends, assess the performance of individual entities, and identify areas for improvement or growth within the group.


How Future-Proof Is Your Group's Finance System?

As technology evolves, it's essential to assess the future-proofing of your group's finance system. Embrace digital solutions that streamline consolidation processes, enhance data accuracy, and provide real-time insights. A robust finance system ensures adaptability to changing regulatory requirements and business dynamics. A system like bluQube can speed up the production of your finance reports and increase the accuracy of them.



In conclusion, the preparation of group consolidated accounts is a complex yet indispensable aspect of financial reporting for diverse organisations. By following the outlined steps, understanding the importance, adhering to key requirements, and embracing the role of business intelligence, entities can navigate the consolidation process with confidence. Stay attuned to evolving regulatory landscapes and technological advancements to ensure the future-proofing of your group's financial systems. Ultimately, accurate and transparent consolidated financial statements empower stakeholders to make well-informed decisions about the overall health and trajectory of the group.

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