Disability charity Challengers welcomes time savings with bluQube’s cloud-based system


The cloud-based software has not only streamlined operations but also introduced innovative features to support the finance team.


The transition to bluQube began with Challengers’ realisation that it required a cloud-based finance system that would modernise and streamline its financial operations. Despite having routine requirements, the organisation identified that a crucial requirement was the ability to integrate with Salesforce, a system already used by the charity. It had previously used finance software that required manual data input, infrequently integrated with other necessary software, and was slow to perform tasks.


Why bluQube?


The charity selected bluQube due to its interoperability, speed, and effectiveness. It fulfilled the organisation’s requirements in a more user-friendly and efficient manner than the previous system. The software’s ability to integrate with existing systems was a crucial factor, ensuring a smooth transition without disrupting existing processes. Additionally, the Report-Pro functionality in Excel caught their attention, due to the promising impact it could have on their financial reporting.


The key benefits


bluQube facilitates online approval of purchase invoices which allows the finance team to attach copies directly to the software record. This feature eliminates the need for the team to manually save copies of invoices in SharePoint and chase approvals via email. The approvers now have a centralised platform to track all outstanding approvals too, eliminating the need to search through endless emails. The impact is a more transparent and efficient approval process.


The bank reconciliation function within the software, coupled with the ability to upload bank transactions, has transformed daily processes. The team now has a clearer view of unprocessed bank transactions, enabling reconciliation with increased efficiency.


The Report-Pro functionality has also produced tangible benefits as it enables the organisation to set up all reports for a monthly review quickly. Refreshing these reports every month now takes less than an hour, compared to a full day’s work previously. The reporting process is much quicker and more importantly, more accurate.


Head of Finance at Challengers, commented:

“Since implementation earlier in the year, we have already seen some real efficiency gains. We needed a system that worked quicker and was more supportive to match the rest of our people-first business. We have previously had finance systems that needed us to input data manually and only ran integrations with Salesforce once a day, slowing down our processes. This is why bluQube’s interoperability stood out against competitors. Whether it be invoicing, bank reconciliation, reporting or data migration, the system is certainly faster and more effective due to its seamless integration with our existing systems.


“I thought we had set the bluQube team a tough target to go live within a month, particularly as it included developing a Salesforce integration. However, this deadline was achieved fully, as the team set up the system, developed the integration and trained our team to the necessary proficiency within the time. This was because the bluQube implementation team is clearly very well-versed in getting new users set up, listening to clients’ needs and has a deep understanding of the software. It’s refreshing to have a service that is working with us to make the best decisions for our organisation.”

Who We Work With

  • Bretts Transport
  • Leading Lives
  • Challengers
  • Hospiscare
  • Bishop Grosseteste University
  • HE Group

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  • Amazon
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  • cyber-essentials-plus-certified
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